
OPEN SKIFF rorsystem komplet

5.300,00 DKK

SKU: 31288-4080

Lagerstatus: På lager / web-lager

OPEN SKIFF rorsystem komplet



The fast, planing hull of the O’pen Bic gives a dynamic sailing experience of a true dinghy that heels. Being at the helm of this powerful machine gives you the same excitement normally experienced on a boat for adults. With its 60-foot Open design, including a totally open self draining stern, even capsizing is fun! Young sailors are fully independent on the water and will be proud to sail such a modern-looking and elegant boat, one that both sails and looks like the boat of today’s champions.
On the hull, the shaped daggerboard and rudderblade, and all deck equipment and fittings are worthy of the most modern dinghies: Cunningham tackle, mainsheet with ratchet block. The rig includes a fully-battened, 4,5m2 mono-film sail with mast pocket, similar to that of a windsurf board. Rigged on an epoxy mast, the sail has been designed with an open leech to give sailors maximum control and performance in windy conditions.
Upgrade is a key word for the O’pen Bic. First, sailors start off by buying the hull only - they can keep the rig that they already have with the Optimist. Given that they are familiar with the handling of the Spiritsail, this combination gives them a boat that is more fun and more powerful, yet still easy to handle and progress with. Later on, with the purchase of the 4,5m2 O’pen Bic rig, the O’pen Bic comes into its own, becoming the true glide machine it is meant to be! The O’pen Bic offers fast and powerful sailing while still remaining easy to control.
Program : Recreational, advanced and competition for children and teenagers
Length : 2.75m
Width : 1.14m
Weight : 45kgs (hull only)
Hull technology : Thermoformed polyethylene
Max. ideal user weight : 65kgs
Max. possible weight : 90kgs
Daggerboard and rudder blade
Technology : Composite Epoxy
Surface : 4.5m2
Technology : K.Film - Polyester
Battens : 4 with adjustable tension
Adjustable head
Length : 3.90m (2-part mast)
Technology : Fibreglass - Epoxy
Rigidity : IMCS 16
Weight : 2.1kgs
Length : 2.00m
Technology : Aluminium

Fragt og levering

Levering til GLS pakkeshops og erhvervsadresser til en fast lav pris på kr. 49,-

Levering til private adresser med GLS koster kr. 119,-

Levering af kajakker, faste surfboards, og andre større varer bliver leveret med vognmand til kr. 700,-

Alle lagervarer sendes indenfor 24 timer med GLS

Hos Surfline sender vi bestillinger med GLS og fragtmand* til Danmark og i EU (inkl. Norge) + Grønland og Færøerne (leveres med skib).

Pris for levering afhænger af varens vægt og volumen* og følger dette skema:

Fragt ift. vægt     Danmark     EU + Norge     Grønland / Færøerne (lev. med skib)
Fragt af surfboards   700 DKK   2.000 DKK   2.000 DKK
Fragt af faste SUP boards   700 DKK   2.000 DKK   2.000 DKK
Fragt af kajakker   700 DKK    2.000 DKK   2.000 DKK


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* Produkter der ikke kan sendes med GLS: Kajakker, Surfboards m.fl. vil blive sendt med fragtmand til en fast pris på 700 kr.

GLS logo  GLS pakkeshop

Om Surfline

Surfline logo 

Surfline har eksisteret som specialbutik inden for vand og skisport siden 1982. Vi er en special butik med specialuddannede specialnørder (og flinke folk) som ekspedienter. I butikken sætter vi en ære i at tage os tid til at sætte os ind i dit behov og drømme hvad enten de omhandler vand eller sne. Vi ved noget om de ting vi sælger og vi tester selv gearet på ture og ekspeditioner.

Surfline ApS

Gåseagervej 12
8250 Egå

Generatorvej 39
2860 Søborg

Tlf: 86176765


Surfline AARHUS
Mandag-fredag: kl. 10 - 17.30
Lørdag: kl. 9 - 14 

Mandag-fredag: kl. 10 - 17.30
Lørdag: kl. 10 - 14 

CVR: DK33954794
Bank: Sparekassen Kronjylland
Reg nr: 6181
Konto nr: 11913261
IBAN: DK1061810011913261