
BIC Sportyak 245 Hjul

616,28 SEK

SKU: 31514-1711

Lagerstatus: På lager / web-lager

BIC Sportyak 245 Hjul



Bic Boats 245
Focus of experience

Exceptionnally light, solidly built, incredibly long-lasting and stable, Bic boats have built a solid reputation in the world of leisure boating. The new BIC 245 is the result of 35 years of experience and development ! This mid sized dinghy combines the best features of those other legendary boats that are the BIC 252 and the Sportyak. Light weight, easy to transport, giving you excellent glide when you row, it can also be fitted with either a thermal or electric motor. From carrying men and equipment to an anchored boat, to getting out to the best fishing spots, to being a great toy for the kids… There are almost no limits for this super safe and versatile boat !


Length : 8'0.5''
Width : 3'11.2''
Weight : 86 lbs
Capacity : 3 pers./551 lbs
Engine maxi power: 3 CV

Accessories included with the dinghy: 2 oars, 3 rowlocks, 3 x rowlock brackets, 1 rope, 1 seat, 2-wheel system.

Priority to stability and safety

Priority to stability and safety : a large proportion of serious accidents in leisure boating happen on small boats serving larger crafts. Safety has all too often been overlooked on this type of boat, but safety was the top priority for the 245’s designers. Four factors guided the design team in their work : keeping the weight evenly balanced when in use, being unsinkable, stability and getting back on board in case of falling off. The team tested every conceivable “accident” scenario and the BIC 245 is the result of all that work. The relatively low cockpit rim and numerous carry handles make climbing back in after falling/ jumping out simple and safe. When empty, the cockpit float line is below the level of the floor, allowing the cockpit to self-empty. One, two or three people can fit comfortably in a 245. The double rowing position allows you to choose your seating configuration. That means you can adjust to any size oarsman for efficient rowing without compromising onbalance.

Catamaran shape and integrated wheels

The catamaran hull gives the best possible stability. It means you can load up on one side of the boat without fear of capsizing. This shape with flat lateral sections gives also an exceptional glide, with an efficient anti-drift. The wheels are integrated into the design of the hull.

Integrated handles are user friendly

The various carry handles make the boat easy to carry for one or more people. It weighs in at just 39 kg / 86lbs, making it easy to load onto a roof rack.

All-terrain wheels make transport easy

The BIC 245 is fitted with two wide rollers for easy handling over beaches, banks and jetties. The wheels are integrated into the design of the hull and don’t in any way affect its performance on water. You can load all your equipment in the boat and take it easily down to the water’s edge.

The details that make all the difference

The rowing seat is fitted with integral “glove compartments”, and the carry handles and other openings make it easy to fit an anti-theft cable around the boat. The flat rear design was also designed for simple, safe upright storage, taking up less floor area.


Fragt og levering

Levering til GLS pakkeshops og erhvervsadresser til en fast lav pris på kr. 49,-

Levering til private adresser med GLS koster kr. 119,-

Levering af kajakker, faste surfboards, og andre større varer bliver leveret med vognmand til kr. 700,-

Alle lagervarer sendes indenfor 24 timer med GLS

Hos Surfline sender vi bestillinger med GLS og fragtmand* til Danmark og i EU (inkl. Norge) + Grønland og Færøerne (leveres med skib).

Pris for levering afhænger af varens vægt og volumen* og følger dette skema:

Fragt ift. vægt     Danmark     EU + Norge     Grønland / Færøerne (lev. med skib)
Fragt af surfboards   700 DKK   2.000 DKK   2.000 DKK
Fragt af faste SUP boards   700 DKK   2.000 DKK   2.000 DKK
Fragt af kajakker   700 DKK    2.000 DKK   2.000 DKK


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* Produkter der ikke kan sendes med GLS: Kajakker, Surfboards m.fl. vil blive sendt med fragtmand til en fast pris på 700 kr.

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Om Surfline

Surfline logo 

Surfline har eksisteret som specialbutik inden for vand og skisport siden 1982. Vi er en special butik med specialuddannede specialnørder (og flinke folk) som ekspedienter. I butikken sætter vi en ære i at tage os tid til at sætte os ind i dit behov og drømme hvad enten de omhandler vand eller sne. Vi ved noget om de ting vi sælger og vi tester selv gearet på ture og ekspeditioner.

Surfline ApS

Gåseagervej 12
8250 Egå

Generatorvej 39
2860 Søborg

Tlf: 86176765


Surfline AARHUS
Mandag-fredag: kl. 10 - 17.30
Lørdag: kl. 9 - 14 

Mandag-fredag: kl. 10 - 17.30
Lørdag: kl. 10 - 14 

CVR: DK33954794
Bank: Sparekassen Kronjylland
Reg nr: 6181
Konto nr: 11913261
IBAN: DK1061810011913261